Titles matter. A lot. Before anyone sees a thumbnail image (that’s important too, but we’ll come to that) they are going to be searching and filtering through swathes of listings. Getting your title right is going to help your listing float to the top of the heap. You might have heard expressions such as ‘discoverability’ or ‘visibility’. That’s what this is.
Your listing title should explain what the product is, and be specific – in that order. Ebay’s search prioritises the words that appear early in the title, so make sure you write what it is before adding details about age, condition or anything else. The first four of five words of your title are most important. Bear in mind that words such as ‘the’, ‘a’ and ‘of’ are likely to be ignored by the search function. If you can lose them, you should.
Ebay allows up to 80 characters in the title. Don’t waste them on commas or other punctuation. If you find you have space left over, think about other keywords a buyer looking for your item might search for, and put in as many as you can fit.
Wrong: Worn twice, black evening dress from Phase Eight
Right: Phase Eight 8 black dress occasion evening long sleeve designer great condition